With a passion for travel and a multi-cultural upbringing, my work is inspired by the feelings that I take away from visiting different destinations around the world. I strive to decode and translate them into abstract color combinations and patterns of lines to transmit each location’s particular story and emotions.


Working off my own photographs and small-scale studies, I use the palette knife to add many layers of color, texture and details to enrich the experience. In some cases, I add local newspaper collage, typography or pieces of nature from the country of origin.


Every line, color and symbol has a meaning…and is an invitation to wonder (and discover) what it could be.


Ever since I can remember, I've loved walking on the rustic, wooden pier slabs that get smaller and smaller as you move further into the body of water the platform is built over. There is a feeling of journey, infinity and peace when looking at a pier from the shore. The one constant in a stage of water and sky that continuously change throughout the day and year. The pier reacts to the light, colors and water that surrounds it, yet remains still and fortunate to always be a witness to the elements. This is what I strive to capture in my paintings of this last series, which I began after moving to Starnberg, Germany, in the outskirts of Munich.